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This property overlooking Lake Balaton (3 buildings) is for sale. Either as a family home, holiday rentals, for starting a winery or as a workshop/camp workshop.
Our 3600 m2 plot contains; a family house built for living use as originally planned (watertight but the fixing stage has to be completed, up to the new owners specs), a press house with apartment and a wine cellar with mini winery (500 litres/season currently) and a fully detached holiday home with rooftop terrace.
All 3 properties are perfectly adaptable and can be re-imagined. All 3 properties have uninterrupted panoramic views from every floor.
The largest house is 109 m2 over 2 floors. It is a new construction from quality materials (Ytong block work, triple glazed windows, 3 phase power, high energy rating overall). The ground floor has an open plan living area with separate kitchen, utility room, large bathroom and separate toilet. The 1st floor has 4 bedrooms and a large bathroom. The interior walls and floors are left to be finished to your personal preference. The kitchen and bathrooms are unfurnished, but there are plans from a local interior designer for these. We have a very good working relationship with a local construction company who did all the previous work and are available to complete the project.
The press house is 36 m2, one room, kitchen and bathroom. With own wine cellar (to be renovated) and garden with panoramic views.
The cottage has 30 m2 living area, completely separated from the rest of the property. It has a separate street entrance. It has a 50m2 roof terrace with panoramic views. Ideal for a separate holiday home or rental.
Water and electricity are connected to all 3 properties, 3 phase underground cable, solar panel approved.
There is no need for planning permission for pools to be built on the site.
Vineyard and fruit trees (currently being managed/maintained).
Wine cellar equipped for beginner wine-making.
All three buildings can be completely separated from each other, detached within the plot, creating their own garden areas with room for private pools.
Unencumbered, 1:1 ownership.
Available for immediate sale.
Price: €478000