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Beautiful farmhouse completely rebuilt with stones and bricks, comprising ground floor of 140 sqm and first floor of about 120 sqm, all in rough state and to be complete.
The house was built by demolishing the old existing building and the reconstruction of a building in a typical Marche farmhouse style with stones and bricks, ceilings with wooden beams and brick tiles and leaving some interior walls with exposed stone.
Currently there are the internal walls which can be modified to suit your needs.
The house is surrounded by a beautiful vineyard that is partially owned.
Nice garden with ornamental trees and with enough space for a pool.
Located in a great countryside, with easy road access, this property is ideal for those seeking a permanent housing solution for holiday or weekend, immersed in the tranquility and greenery with a large landscape.
Just 8 km from the sand beach of Cupra Marittima.