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This unique villa, designed by a famous Swiss architect, fea- tures high ceiling rooms and luxurious materials. Wood, glass, steel and local limestone make you feel great and comfortable in this spacious villa with a total surface of more than 400 m2 and its own dining wine cellar and sauna. Its built on a piece
of land of nearly 1000 m2. Surrounded by a beautiful garden with a 16-year-old strong, high and healthy cherry laurel fence.
From your new home you have an unobstructed view of the Alps and the Mont Blanc, the highest peak in Europe. The view reaches from Geneva?s Jet d?Eau until the lower Rhone Valley with the Chablais wine region.
MagnoliaProperty.co.uk is a private sale website, advertising properties Worldwide for sale and rent. Advertisers potentially save thousands of pounds in estate agent fees, and buyers can benefit from the lower prices these savings can result in.