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AREA: Aso Valley
INFO: With magnificient views across the countryside to the mountains in the distance, this large brick farmhouse dates from the early 1900s.
Ideal for sharing between two families or development into a B&B or agriturismo activity.
In need of complete restoration.
Ground floor: cellar and 3 rooms with old wood oven, 1 kitchen with original fireplace.
First floor:internal staircase,1 bathroom, 7 bedrooms with wooden beam ceilings.
The vendor is prepared to sell additional land subject to negotiation.
TYPE: Farmhouse
LOCATION: 2km from the village
SIZE: 300 sqm of 2 floors
LAND/GARDEN: 3000 sqm of garden
ANNEX: Outbuilding
NEAREST TOWN: Fermo , Monterubbiano, Petritoli, Ponzano di Fermo.
NEAREST AIRPORT: Falconara Airport (Ancona) 80 mins away

Who we are:
Move to Marche was founded by Giovanni Vitali in answer to the increasing demand from foreign buyers and investors looking not only for the right property, but also the right service: a “one stop property shop”.
Giovanni, born and brought up in the Marche, is a qualified, registered financial consultant and real estate agent. After graduating in Banking and Economics from Macerata University, he worked for several years in the marketing departments of footwear companies in the area, before specialising in financial consulting and real estate brokering. He speaks good English and is well known for his bargaining power: he’ll be able to negotiate the best deal for you from banks to building supplies!
Alison was born in the UK and grew up in the Cambridge area, and has been living in Italy for over 14 years. After graduating from Warwick University in Italian and English, her love for the Italian way of life took her first to Milan, where she worked for an international media rep, and then to the Marche. Her role is as a translator and interpreter, invaluable for the preparation and signing of preliminary contracts and deeds, and she’ll also be happy to take you shopping or to the best ice cream parlour in the area.